Thursday, January 27, 2011


Can't wait till Saturday! Going to Jordana's House with Kaiti V. for a meetin with Anita for photography!!!!
AHHHHH!!!! and Dad, Rj, Dad's Gf and her daughter and I might go Tabongin!!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Funn Night turns into tragic accident I ever went home

Had our 4-H meeting Saturday :) i love when i get to see all my friends (some i call family) we did our annual gift exchange and i got a box a Starbusrts YUM! haha but no Jordanna I'm not sharing. My bbf was elected secretary and my sis was elected scrapbook keeper and we all get to help her on it!

Now I'm at my moms...which was good at first but then of course my mom makes one little mistake by dropping a light on this plastic thing and chips it and Jim gets all mad and tells me that I don't understand it! ergh and on top of the that my dad P****** because Rj and I apparently don't give enough respect. He says "I bought you that car, you need to give me some respect", "whatever you guys don't care about me and I'm nothing to you"
Dad (if your reading this) we do care about you a lot but you get P**** at everything we do now. And I try to make a conversation with you and you get right on that dang phone of yours and call your pretty little gf and grabbed your computer and went down stairs. I have tried and tried to be your daughter and I try to be the best I can be but I guess my best anit good enough for you anymore.
I'm tired of all the dang arguments and talking about the other parent. I DON"T CARE if you 2 don't get along and don't give a rats a** about each other but you need to put that aside when it comes to your kids.
Anyway I'm sorry about your sister hope she gets better, God bless her.
And its pretty sad when I your kid have to tell you whats going on. I hope you look up from the modern world and look at whats in front of you.
Right now my only home is at my friends house and at school. And I'm starting to like school way more better than home right now!

Hope your reading this

Sunday, January 2, 2011