Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Halloween Ya'll!!!!!!!

I know that I havent talk to the Blogger World in a while but hey Im a busy girl, I cant write about what I have been doing everyday! That would be impossible....well for me because I'm so busy with school homework. But to update you this one guy is still interested in me and I thinks im starting to like him! And my ex stills thinks Im hot!? Idk hes weird but were still friends. Also I like this other guy who is dating this other girl....ugh....but were buddies! and I like this other dude from the same school but he flirts with not me but my 2 best friends!...ugh talk about....idk.

Well off of that subject and on to what happened at school. In homeroom I sit by Dillion. I used to like him and now I still think I do.... Also my bff at lunch made me laugh so hard I had to pee!! HAHAHA but shes kool

And now Im home writing this to the Blogger World watching Ghost Hunters and its starting to creep me out!!! AHHHHHHHHH