Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Halloween Ya'll!!!!!!!

I know that I havent talk to the Blogger World in a while but hey Im a busy girl, I cant write about what I have been doing everyday! That would be impossible....well for me because I'm so busy with school homework. But to update you this one guy is still interested in me and I thinks im starting to like him! And my ex stills thinks Im hot!? Idk hes weird but were still friends. Also I like this other guy who is dating this other girl....ugh....but were buddies! and I like this other dude from the same school but he flirts with not me but my 2 best friends!...ugh talk about....idk.

Well off of that subject and on to what happened at school. In homeroom I sit by Dillion. I used to like him and now I still think I do.... Also my bff at lunch made me laugh so hard I had to pee!! HAHAHA but shes kool

And now Im home writing this to the Blogger World watching Ghost Hunters and its starting to creep me out!!! AHHHHHHHHH


  1. i'm that bff right? so that Dillon Kid... Riot!
    i'm sure if he wasnt going out with Missy he woud be going out with you! that kids who still has the hotts for you, total creep out!

  2. Yea your the bff
    o yeah its Dillon...really ya think so?
    and yeah its kinda creepy

  3. Welcome back to blogging!! Missed you!!
