Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy :)

A lot of good things have been going on. Everyones getting along, no fighting, arguing, or anything. 
Right now the only things on my mind are: friends, family, school, boyfriend, and my aunt who just had her babies. 
She had them early though. 26 weeks. They were shooting for a boy and got one and also a girl. They were twins. But since they were born early, the boy had died. 
The only thing I can think of is that God wanted him to be up there watching over his mother and family. 
But other than that things are going great! I can remember things now~which in some cases its good.And I'm more happy and energized. and I dont even know what I did! 


  1. I'm so glad to hear that things are going smoothly and everyone is getting along. I'm sorry to hear that your aunt had her babies early and one of them died. Pre-term delivery is always a concern with twins, and unfortunately, one is often lost . . . Doesn't make it any easier though . . . You are right, he is in Heaven with God - a special guardian angel watching over his family.

    I hope things keep going great for a long, long time!

  2. Emma,
    i'm very happy for you, too. i am very sad for your aunt, and the baby boy.
