Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Haven't Wrote in FOREVER!

Hey Ya'll
So I haven' t wrote in a lonnnng time! Not much has changed though... Year is still 2011!!! hopefully this year is going to be a good/great one in my 10th grade year!! WOHAOOO!!! Finally made it this year actually starts the  direction for my career ~ wonder what it is? I love animals and taking care of them, I just don't like the vet idea but it's not a bad idea... large animal though. For instance farm animals, I pretty much grew up around them and I know for a fact that there are not enough large animal vets. And I love becoming something that is very "hard" per-say. But my BIG DREAM is to go to Colorado and build or buy a ranch and have cattle and some horses of course! Chickens... the whole bit! I love the idea of it and I've always told my Daddy when I grow up I wonna ranch or farm.
He said to me yesterday that there was a 786 acre ranch For Sale in Colorado!!! I had this huge smile on my face :D that's perfect I said to myself (big but perfect). and I got an idea of the cost 1.5 million= well better start saving and working my butt off.. but I've always heard hard work pays off in the end
I'm gonna make sure that happens
Emma <3

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