Monday, September 13, 2010

Vacactoin :)

So far we have gone through Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, stopped  in Michigan for some dinner, and now were in Iowa! ahhhh!!!! We only have Nebraska and Colordo to go then were at Utah!! And as I mean we I mean we as in my mom, step dad, Rj, and me. We spent the night in Super 8 and hopefully tonite we will get to our actual hotel in Neveada. But we wont get there tonight....1 more day which means we WILL be there tomorrow..!!!!!!

Everyone at school is saying they need a road trip away from Hughesville but man! make sure you take a plane or your butt will hurt! And my word of advise dont stop in Indiana and go to there Mcdonalds because they apparently sont know the different between hot chocolate and hot coffee YUCK!!!

SIncerly Emma :)
P.S I am taking pictures of course..

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are having a good time! Can't wait to see your pictures!
