Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I actually don't know whats going on right now. Theres people liking other people while they're in a relationship or the person they like is in a relationship. Also people losing their V-card and if ya don't know what that is its their virginity. And school work on top of that and just plan teachers....Drama drama drama why cant anyone just get along????

And when someone tells someone a SECRET and the guy you like figures out but the person you told didn't tell anyone....plus his best friend told you.....is there something wrong with that picture or is it just  me?

please comment and tell me your answers and/or ideas...:)



  1. Ya' know, I've been thinking the same thing about all the drama lately. Why does anyone at this age want to be tied down to just one person? Next thing ya' know, the boyfriend is mad at his girlfriend for talking to another guy. Why can't people just "date" anymore. You should be able to go to the movies or out for pizza with a nice guy and not have to be boyfriend/girlfriend immediately. And why on earth would any girl want to give up her V-card at this age. The boy will brag to all of his friends and everyone will know. When they break up, every other boy will ask her out hoping to get just as lucky. The girl will have an even bigger broken heart and the embarassement of everyone knowing something that should have been private. My advice - wait until you are at least 18 years old - preferably longer until you are in a permanent relationship with someone who is mature and respects you. Why make a permanent life change for a temporary relationship? And I don't think all teenage boys are evil - I just think their actions are ruled by hormones. When he has you alone, he'll say or do anything - even say he loves you - if he thinks it will get him his way. If he really loves AND RESPECTS you, he will still love you even if you say no. If he breaks up with you because you said no, he didn't really love you. And the young girls I know deserve better than to be known as the girl who puts out.

  2. moms right guys cant be true sometimes(well most of the time). and every one being hooked up and "in love" with one another. just because you go to a movie doesnt mean you are in a relationship... a relationship is like a year and a half, at Hughesville most of the kids most of the kids are lucky enough to get a good week out of one "relationship" as they are said to be. And the workload on top of the drama gets releived on Friday Evenings at the Hughesville Varsity Spartan Football Games! Go team!!!!!! why worry about realationships when we can just hang out with friends on a friday.

  3. And while we are at it - read this:
    Advice to young women from Nancy and Ann Wilson, of the rock group Heart (as printed in the 09/19/10 Parade magazine):
    Nancy: There's a great deal of pressure on young women to portray a hyper-sexualized image.
    Ann: And I think they get told that if they do that they're going to be successful. When, in actuality, if they look like pole dancers, all they do is make themselves more disposable. So be true to yourself.

    My take on this: the girls who are more concerned with keeping the boys happy, than they are with taking care of themselves - are just making themselves disposable. If they are not treating themselves with respect, no one else will either.

  4. I like THT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^! and yall both are right.. haha thts y jordana and mes single :)

  5. all the single ladies, all the single ladies...put ur hands up up up up up up up u pupu pup haha u get the point.....:)

  6. single ladies didnt last that long really, now did it Emma?

  7. hahaha no it didn't, but hay he is a really nice down to earth guy and we have things in common. he is like m best friend thats why we are going out

  8. you dont have to explain.i know all of that . i am just teasing u

  9. o ok haha...i knew that i was just seeing if u knew what you were talking bout haha jk
