Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hey Ya'll!!!!

Hey, I know I havent posted in a while but so much has been going on! IDK where to begin. Well i could begin in that I have a boyfriend: Austin P. he is amazing i cant believe it :) We saw a movie together last week, Narnia the new one and it was awesome than we went to the mall and hung out and ran into my dad there. He didnt know what to do haha but its good now.
Also now my parents are fightn more than ever lately and I dont know weather its because of Rj going off to college soon or just a holiday flung or what but its got everyone stressed out! And on top of that I feel like a maid at my dads...do this do that while they just sit there on the couch watching tv! o boy but hey there guys what ya gona do ya no. Can live with them and ya cant live with out them.
And o yea i apparently have anxiety aattacts now that come in all sorts of styles. One day it was just couldnt breath, another heart burn, and the next Im having a panic attack because it hurts so bad than I got to go to the ER.
but other than that everythings been normal, well as normal as normal can be in my life haha

and yes Jordana Passion you come up with the biggest words and Im not gna even attempted to try and say it! but its not Emma Passion, its Emma Wonders.
Love ya'll

1 comment:

  1. Hey Girl! Take it slow with the boyfriend. Enjoy the movies and hanging out - but slow is the wya to go. And hang in there with your parents. Even though they may be fighting alot, they do love you. And it's a man thing, expecting the female in the house to do the chores. Make sure whoever you marry someday knows that chores are a two-way street - and he has to do his share!
