Monday, August 30, 2010


  1. Yo Luke Duke! Guess Who! It's me, Bo! the picture of us is great. Can't wait 2 start up the General Lee!=]

  2. let's get a car and learn to slide across the hood and we can video tape how it ends badly. lolz. and who knows we might get in to trouble and need to go for a high speed chase, we might finnally learn to dump the booze, before rosco b coltrane and enos show up and call the boss.

  3. hahaha yeah but ya no with you driving we always get away!!! Also its just water were transporting and the real stuff is in uncle jessies tank...but shhhhh boss hog dont know that.
    i do believe that it will end pretty badly....

  4. shoo, if we are driving for old coot it is the real booze! i know that jesse makes the finest out there, but someone got to haul it for him; thats you and me. end of story. and if ya keep blabbing boss is going to know about it! lolz! so shhhhhh. make sure swamp molly dont get ahold of ya first. she'll have you transporting stuff against our probation...and she wont tell youwhat ya hauling. last time she had us hauling illeagal guns. and lets just say rosco b coltrane was not the happiest. So be good.

  5. ooo it is the ghost of general after we drown in the lake. jk. and when peeps thought wes dead boss is still framing us! lylab(love u like a bro(sis))
