Thursday, August 26, 2010


Hi., my name is Emma. I'm new to these things but i just don't know how to write my wonders and\or thoughts down on paper. I was on my way to looking up one of my friends who have one of these blogs when would not let me search her up! So i made one... i kinda like the idea on not using paper and pencil. Also this could be great for me for in my classes when i need to type a story about something. I am great a t making up stories, fairy tales, and so much more, in my head though. I just can't get it down on paper fast enough and typing this is faster. In my blogs in the future will be many stories. These stories can be true or false, happy or sad, or anything that just pops into my head, down my arms, into my fingers, and onto the keyboard. I hope that you like them and comment :)

Emma's Wonders


  1. sweet story. and thanks for putting me in it.;) at first i could not find you either, check out my page

  2. Welcome to the world of blogging!
