Tuesday, August 31, 2010

To Stressed!!!

Today was the 2nd day of school. I didn't think that it was going to be that bad. I thought since 8th grade wasn't that bad 9th grade should be kinda like it. Well, I was TOTALLY WRONG!! 9th grade is still like jr.high but a little bit more advanced. but they make it seem like when your in 9th grade its the most important year. but to me its not its just one of the years I have to go through until I start living my own life! Moving on from school... Yes I do agree school it a pretty big deal and that you should NOT drop out. but if they don't won't us to drop out then why don't they make school less stressful, more interesting and fun. Loads of interaction with others because almost all of  us are going to be in job that deals with us having to work with others and having social skills. Thats one of the big things in school. Also making sure that the classes and lunches are not so crowed. I have lunch where its so crowed people have to stand up and eat their lunch! now thats just not right. but it happens and yeah we just got to deal with it, unfortuneitly I don't know what I'm suppose to do in some of my classes and a lot of them I should know what I'm doing but they're just going at  pase thats just not working for me!

Thats all from me for right now!

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