Tuesday, December 28, 2010


........Why?        .....Why Not?       .......What If?    .......Who?   ....How Come?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hey Ya'll!!!!

Hey, I know I havent posted in a while but so much has been going on! IDK where to begin. Well i could begin in that I have a boyfriend: Austin P. he is amazing i cant believe it :) We saw a movie together last week, Narnia the new one and it was awesome than we went to the mall and hung out and ran into my dad there. He didnt know what to do haha but its good now.
Also now my parents are fightn more than ever lately and I dont know weather its because of Rj going off to college soon or just a holiday flung or what but its got everyone stressed out! And on top of that I feel like a maid at my dads...do this do that while they just sit there on the couch watching tv! o boy but hey there guys what ya gona do ya no. Can live with them and ya cant live with out them.
And o yea i apparently have anxiety aattacts now that come in all sorts of styles. One day it was just couldnt breath, another heart burn, and the next Im having a panic attack because it hurts so bad than I got to go to the ER.
but other than that everythings been normal, well as normal as normal can be in my life haha

and yes Jordana Passion you come up with the biggest words and Im not gna even attempted to try and say it! but its not Emma Passion, its Emma Wonders.
Love ya'll

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Halloween Ya'll!!!!!!!

I know that I havent talk to the Blogger World in a while but hey Im a busy girl, I cant write about what I have been doing everyday! That would be impossible....well for me because I'm so busy with school homework. But to update you this one guy is still interested in me and I thinks im starting to like him! And my ex stills thinks Im hot!? Idk hes weird but were still friends. Also I like this other guy who is dating this other girl....ugh....but were buddies! and I like this other dude from the same school but he flirts with not me but my 2 best friends!...ugh talk about....idk.

Well off of that subject and on to what happened at school. In homeroom I sit by Dillion. I used to like him and now I still think I do.... Also my bff at lunch made me laugh so hard I had to pee!! HAHAHA but shes kool

And now Im home writing this to the Blogger World watching Ghost Hunters and its starting to creep me out!!! AHHHHHHHHH

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I actually don't know whats going on right now. Theres people liking other people while they're in a relationship or the person they like is in a relationship. Also people losing their V-card and if ya don't know what that is its their virginity. And school work on top of that and just plan teachers....Drama drama drama why cant anyone just get along????

And when someone tells someone a SECRET and the guy you like figures out but the person you told didn't tell anyone....plus his best friend told you.....is there something wrong with that picture or is it just  me?

please comment and tell me your answers and/or ideas...:)


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Im finally home from a long trip back from nevada. We were going to stop at a hotel but thought it was usless and we kept on going. Arrived at our house at 6  in the morning around there

Monday, September 13, 2010

Vacactoin :)

So far we have gone through Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, stopped  in Michigan for some dinner, and now were in Iowa! ahhhh!!!! We only have Nebraska and Colordo to go then were at Utah!! And as I mean we I mean we as in my mom, step dad, Rj, and me. We spent the night in Super 8 and hopefully tonite we will get to our actual hotel in Neveada. But we wont get there tonight....1 more day which means we WILL be there tomorrow..!!!!!!

Everyone at school is saying they need a road trip away from Hughesville but man! make sure you take a plane or your butt will hurt! And my word of advise dont stop in Indiana and go to there Mcdonalds because they apparently sont know the different between hot chocolate and hot coffee YUCK!!!

SIncerly Emma :)
P.S I am taking pictures of course..

Thursday, September 2, 2010


                  The Duke boys ride again! Or shall I say Duke girls....com'on boots start walkin'

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

To Stressed!!!

Today was the 2nd day of school. I didn't think that it was going to be that bad. I thought since 8th grade wasn't that bad 9th grade should be kinda like it. Well, I was TOTALLY WRONG!! 9th grade is still like jr.high but a little bit more advanced. but they make it seem like when your in 9th grade its the most important year. but to me its not its just one of the years I have to go through until I start living my own life! Moving on from school... Yes I do agree school it a pretty big deal and that you should NOT drop out. but if they don't won't us to drop out then why don't they make school less stressful, more interesting and fun. Loads of interaction with others because almost all of  us are going to be in job that deals with us having to work with others and having social skills. Thats one of the big things in school. Also making sure that the classes and lunches are not so crowed. I have lunch where its so crowed people have to stand up and eat their lunch! now thats just not right. but it happens and yeah we just got to deal with it, unfortuneitly I don't know what I'm suppose to do in some of my classes and a lot of them I should know what I'm doing but they're just going at  pase thats just not working for me!

Thats all from me for right now!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Luke and Bo Duke!

Haha, well theres not much to explain here. But my name is Luke Duke and Jordana's is Bo Duke. We're the 2 sisters is crime, and Boss Hogg does not like us one bit! But that crumpy old man don't like anything really. Only his car and money that he gets. Remember don't wear white after Labor Day.

YYYYEEEEHHHHHHHAAAAAAWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lets Go Bo!!! Get in General Lee we got to get out of here!! YYYEEEHHHHAAAAWWWW!!!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Te De Mac!

Te De Mac is home! My bbfl amazing horse is home! YAY!!!!! But my bbfl also got hurt during the importation of getting the horse to the barn. Mac got scared by the steers, jumped, and that scared bbfl in which she fell. Horse stepped on her....OUCH! But shes OK now :) and as happy as can be feeding Te De Mac right now! lol So glad that Te De Mac is home<3

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Trouble? or Abessed?

My one friend, shes awesome and went out with this guy named Derrick. Well her cheated on her and they broke up. He keeps texting her and telling her that he made a horrible mix stake about cheating on her and everything in between so she took him back. I tried to tell her no and that hes not right for her and all that, but she told me how he cam e over to her house and they talked about getting back together but she still said no! She was having second thoughts after he left. The girl he was supposbly doing stuff with called her and told her that no of that was true. Well she sorta believed it and hung up. Then Derrick called and told her that same thing and asked her to give him another chance and she said yes. Well none of that worked out liked it was planned. He was to clingy and she broke up with him. Also now he keeps on texting her over and over again. And not stopping over. So she texted her "body guard" who used to fight but not anymore and she told him everything and so now he is p****ed and is about to kick the sh** out of him if he doesnt stop.

I told her that, that was okay but now I'm having second thoughts because this kid is not going to stop naging her. But I was getting PO to.......

If you can finish this story be my guest because I have no clue on where its going to go.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

New New New

I have great news for the blogging world!! i have 3 followers and 2 comments already! just 5 minutes into the blog world of stories and interesting news and facts...I;m such a nerd about these things :)


Hi., my name is Emma. I'm new to these things but i just don't know how to write my wonders and\or thoughts down on paper. I was on my way to looking up one of my friends who have one of these blogs when blogger.com would not let me search her up! So i made one... i kinda like the idea on not using paper and pencil. Also this could be great for me for in my classes when i need to type a story about something. I am great a t making up stories, fairy tales, and so much more, in my head though. I just can't get it down on paper fast enough and typing this is faster. In my blogs in the future will be many stories. These stories can be true or false, happy or sad, or anything that just pops into my head, down my arms, into my fingers, and onto the keyboard. I hope that you like them and comment :)

Emma's Wonders